Hey ProductFam, my last post on this site was 2 years ago (almost 3). The Lord has said a lot, done a lot, A Romans 8 Production turned 4 years old today and I really feel the Lord inviting me to begin again. It’s time to RESPOND.
"Respond" playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8p9b98Uw_EjgMFJRjLsRie1zXsyPEfX&si=4UU9UM8GXBQAQanD
Scripture: Psalm 27:8
I wasn’t sure what I wanted my first post back to be, asked the Lord about it, to tell me what He wanted His people to hear. Today, our 4th birthday, after a conversation with my Dad, Papa Vessel it hit me…..RESPOND. The Lord just wants me, and I think all of us to just respond to Him.
The first blog post on this site was Obedience and the Lord’s position with me and all of us hasn’t changed. His desire for us, the vision He gave me for this blog hasn’t changed in principle, only been refined (which you can see laid out on our revamped website under “The Mission”!). He has grown and refined me too but His call on my heart and by extension this blog is the same.
A Romans 8 Production was always meant to be an ECHO. A resounding boom from His heart to mine, to yours, functionally, a response to Him in every way. An obedient engagement of all my energies and gifts in the service of His grace, the same for all the guest writers we have. When choosing “Reflecting God’s Heart” as this blog’s motto I asked myself “When people come here, what do I want them to see/receive?” The answer was clear, I wanted each and every reader/watcher/listener to encounter the heart of God towards them. My heart’s genuine response and desire was just to be a reflection of Him, for you to come here and meet Him.
It's been a couple years since then but my heart still responds the same way to the call of God. I just want to know His heart, I want to show His heart to you and invite you to seek it out right alongside me. I am persuaded that this is what He wants with and for all of us.
I’ve sat in some sessions lately with Pastor Kavan Allen (on Instagram he is @kavan_allen) for “What is God Saying for 2025?” and this is the same word that has resounded through Him and every guest He has had. This year, in a new way and with new grace God is calling us all to Him afresh, for us to know Him intimately, to do life with Him on the daily.
So, it’s time to begin again, time to RESPOND. Yah fawud? (Translation: Are you coming?)
Thank you to Papa Vessel, Pastor Kavan Allen and Minister Audia Spencer-Brown (on Instagram as @the_psalmist) for their obedience and sensitivity to the Lord which continues to positively impact my life!
Make sure you check out the playlist for this post, subscribe to the blog and YouTube as well as follow us on Instagram so you don’t miss the wide range of content from the Father’s heart going forward.
As always.
- Vessel